beautiful plant-based healing

Plant-based diets, while may be vegan, really just focus on choosing whole, unprocessed food made of vital plants. Vegan diets can include lots of processed foods – plant-based is about purely nourishing foods, a far cry from processed options.

Plant-based diets have been shown to support health on a variety of levels, from lowering the risk of developing coronary heart disease, reduction in plaque build-up, lowered risk of diabetes, lower amounts of abdominal fat, and more balanced blood sugar. (1) This way of eating is all about lowering inflammation, which is one of our ultimate goals as endo warriors!

plant-based diet guidelines:

  • Load up on fruits – the good kind of sweet

  • Eat the rainbow (of vegetables) – broccoli and cabbage are especially good for removing estrogen from the body

  • Eat those tubers & starchy vegetables – sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beets…yum time.

  • Hearty grains for a completed meal I recommend gluten-free grains like rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, and teff

  • Beans, beans, beans – If you are susceptible to lots of gas from beans, play around with different varieties, some may be less gassy for you than others

  • Eat tons of fermented foods – they will make your belly so happy. Think kombucha, pickled veggies, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir…mmm.

  • Enjoy nuts, but not too many – it’s easy to over indulge in nuts, and our digestive system can’t always handle that. So eat those nuts, but in moderation

  • Avoid or minimize animal proteins – not for everyone, but many women have great success in pain reduction with an animal free diet
