movement, massage + potent alternatives

Finding balance. Balance in your hormones, and balance in your physical and emotional self are the keys to taking back your body.


Movement comes in many forms.

Movement is truly a power medicine, for anyone. I know some days all you might want to do is curl on the couch with a heating pad. However, that future discomfort may be alleviated by creating a movement habit that feels right for you. Maybe it’s 20 minutes of walking a day. Could be a regular yoga practice. Or maybe you want to get back into more movement again, like running marathons. We all have different bodies, different desires, but one goal: to feel better!

The amazing effects of exercise:

  • Exercise releases endorphins. When we exercise, our brain releases “feel good” chemicals called endorphins. These naturally occurring hormones work like pain relievers to lower pain. It only takes about ten minutes of moderate exercise (any exercise that makes you sweat or breathe hard) for your body to start making these chemicals.

  • Exercise improves circulation. Moderate exercise gets our heart pumping and improves the blood flow to our organs. This is important because our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to important body systems.

  • Regular exercise lowers the amount of estrogen in the body. Since the goal of endometriosis treatment is to lower estrogen levels, regular exercise may help improve endo symptoms. (1)

Looking to bring more movement into your life, but aren’t sure where to start. I’d be more than happy to help you out! Let’s get chatting.


making time to chill.

Stress makes lots of things worse, especially endo. You must listen to yourself and make the space to take a pause. Sometimes it feels impossible to slow down, but you can always come back to your breath.

Incorporating some of these practices into your everyday life will help ease tension and lessen pain.

  • Meditation (Calm or Headspace are wonderful + easy)

  • Yoga (YogaGlo is great if you don’t have access to a studio)

  • Massage (treat your self 😊)

  • Breathing exercises (Here are some quick and effective techniques)

  • Sound healing (Learn about it here - it really is incredible!)


Craniosacral therapy? What the what?

For those who are curious and open to trying some very alternative healing, craniosacral may be your jam.

“Craniosacral therapy uses very light placement of hands on areas of your body controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. This technique is used to assess the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the fluid that protects our brain and spinal cord. The pulse and flow of CSF can become blocked and disrupt communication of different areas of the nervous system. The goal of craniosacral is to get CSF and energy flowing, moving and communicating again, and to reduce the inflammation and dysfunction that leads to symptoms.” (2)

Read one skeptic’s experience here.
I can say I have tried it myself and truly found it powerful. I went in with an open mind and surrendered to the experience. I left feeling light and balanced.


CBD + THC may knock out your cramps

Some women find relief in taking in CBD or cannabis. This is definitely not for everyone, and isn’t legally available everywhere. There are topical solutions, like balms and patches that can do wonders if knocking out even the worst of cramps. CBD is the compound found in these solutions that can offer serious pain relief. If legal in your area, you can visit a dispensary and see what options they have specifically for women’s health.

This article covers CBD + period pain well.
