Living above +
A space to learn and heal. A space to become your strongest self. A space to breed some positivity.
Endometriosis isn’t going to dictate your life anymore.
A space to learn and heal. A space to become your strongest self. A space to breed some positivity.
Endometriosis isn’t going to dictate your life anymore.
Far too many women are suffering from endometriosis. Of these women, most of them have gone through surgery only to have endo grow back, or have taken hormonal birth control for years with little reprieve, and often feel unheard. Endometriosis is complex. It hurts our emotional selves. Creates unbearable physical pain. And can feel socially isolating.
We want to support all of us. Create a place that can help direct you to your best self. We offer resources, like endometriosis specialists, nutritional guidance, and a community of women and allies who want to help lift us all up.
Thank you for being here.
This platform is for more than just information. This is a space to open up, be vulnerable and feel understood and empowered together. We want to hear from you – whether you are a woman with endo, a partner of someone working through endo, a doctor, a specialist, or someone who has a story to share around this complex disease.